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I'am selling Photos/Videos and more. For more details CLICK HERE

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Wonderful Life is the story of two young college students who accidentally become parents because...more

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My site was nominated for Best Blog Design!
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My site was nominated for Best Photography Blog!
Best Photography Blog
My site was nominated for Best Video Blogger!
Best Video Blogger
My site was nominated for Best Blog of All Time!
Best Blog of All Time
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Some videos of events are already posted in my youtube account.Enjoy! Click Here

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I love food so I made this.All topics about food are can be found here.I will share recipes, tips, interesting facts, and pics about the best thing since sliced bread and new places I have found! Click Here

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Travelling is great that is why this section was made. Find helpful tips on where to have your next great vacation here. Click Here

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Since I'am a very tv addict I will post here the latest buzz in showbiz. Entertainment on both the big and small screens. Talk about all the latest local and international hits, picks and pans, actors and actresses. Click Here


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