In this area you can request videos,mp3,photos and other items which are available in my collections. You can also request other things which does not exist in my collection if and only if I can afford or make it.

Please follow the request form. If you don't follow the instruction don't expect that your request will be granted

Real Last name: Tampg
Location: Cebu City
Age: 17
Gender: M
Name of School: (SWU) Southwestern University
School Year Level: 1ST Year Student
Cell or landline Number: 09275911814
Email Address:
Kind of Request: Photos
Name of Request: Photos from Linggo ng Wika (discuss the specific description of your request to avoid problems)

This request form can be send through the leave a message button below this blog entry or if you want it to be a private message just send this to my email address:

If you wish to avail print photos or cd burned videos you may also request this kind of stuff but THIS IS NOT FREE ANYMORE. This items are ONLY available in Cebu City Area. Other parts of the country's requests can be granted depending on the negotations! Thank You for understanding.

any questions or suggestion you may leave it at my shoutbox. Dont worry its for free! hehehe

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