(During the party proper) Let the party started!!! lolz. This was during the opening and welcoming of the guest which is ofcourse still ourselves and was followed by...CLICK! CLICK! CLICK!
the prayer. Supposedly we requested the daughter of our teacher to lead the prayer but she refused so the emcee leaded the prayer.
We ate first before we started the games. hahaha.
The Game/s
And now the games. The games were common but the enjoyment was very high. Look at their faces aren't they ugly? I mean cute? lolz
After the party. We prepare, we act as the guests, and we clean. Ugh. Oh well, It's part of the training, right?
The dishwashers is in full gear. lolz. Cleaning the dirty plates while still wearing their kiddie attires. hehehe
Hahahahahahahaha..She looks like a kid washing the caserole/s.
Did you wonder where I' am for the whole party? here I' am. My costume was a wizard. But apparantely I don't have a lot of pictures because I ' am the one holding the camera. Nah.It suuucks!!!!
Here we are again. This was after the party before going home. The elevator was almost close and if it did happened we need to pass 6th floor where all the dead bodies are placed for paramedical courses. yiiiih creepy!!!
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