Welcome to N.A. International Airport 3!

Oh Gawd! I can already smell the Manila scent! toinks. The photo above is already the "Parking Lot" of my father's planes in NAIA 3! hahahahaha. By the way N.A. stands for Ninoy Aquino so N.A.I.A. stands for Ninoy Aquino International Airport 3. It is 3 because it's the third terminal of N.A.I.A. . It is the latest airport in the Philippines and I guess the biggest of all. It was only opened recently because of the scandals and issues it had encountered. They are just still in the testing process so only Cebu Pacific and PAL are operating there and only few International flights are available as of the moment. [9 MORE PHOTOS INSIDE]

Waaaaah!!!! They're already going out. Oh I was so excited during this time. Hahahaha. I already want to go out but I can't because they're still too many passengers going out.

1 group picture first before going inside. hahahaha

I wish my school has this one. Connecting from the entrance gate to the different buildings of SWU. lolz. Calling the attention of our university president hear my request! harhar

This is the area where you'll be getting your luggage and I must say it's really huge.

Do I really look creepy in here? Say Yes then I'll kill you!!! haha

Nice interior design, isn't it?

We're not outside in the country, okay? It's still Philippines, babe!

Is it just me or it's not yet really done? There's no paint, right? or it is just as it is?

Front view of N.A.I.A. 3. It looks small outside but if you're inside it looks big. How come? ehh! Magic???


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