HRM 8's Group 1 Pretesting

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First of all I would like to thank my 5 subscribers/readers (It was 8 yesterday but it goes down to 5 today) You don't know how much it means to me. Thank You Very Very Much. So if you haven't subscribed yet please subscribe now. FYI: HRM 8 is a subject that I took this semester and just like in our HRM 2 we have to organize four "real" party. Real party in the sense that we will be selling tickets and we will not be the guests this time because we will be the one to prepare the food, serve, and entertain them (because our guests will pay for it.) during the party proper. We were grouped into 4.

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               The first group will have their party this December, the second one will be this January (My Group), The third will be this February (The month of Feb is Mah BIRTHDAY!) and the last one is on March which they will be having a wedding theme party. Pretesting of the dishes that will be included in the menu(the menu will be posted on the tickets to attract guests) is just a part of the preparation. That picture above is Group 1's work. These (maybe) are all the foods that you will be having if you will join. (of course it's not for free, as what I've said you need to buy the ticket.)  They were assigned to have... [3 MORE PHOTOS INSIDE]

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               a plated type of service so the 8 courses should be present from appetizer to dessert. The first picture was the finished product so let's rewind the preparation, shall we? Okay, Actually this was already the second time they had a pretesting because the first one was not successful and our teacher was not impressed by their work. It seems like they were not ready that time yet. That above picture is Mary Grace and Fabre. They cooked this Chinese-like dish.

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               Jennifer and her other group mates cooked this sweet dish which I think it's either a dessert or an appetizer. They were too many on some of the pics because I told them to just work so that the pics will come out realistic, candid that is, but they want to be on the pics all the time so even if I'm taking pictures not in their station they'll stood on that certain place and pretend watching their group mates as if they're assigned on that area. VANITY that is!

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               There's cookies, shrimps (one of my faves), bake bread something, egg with something yummy on top, and many more. Look how busy they were.  I hope if it will already be our turn everything will be in order because I don't want to repeat all over again!!!

to all HRM8 student thank you so much for making the event a very successful one! WE ROCK!!

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