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The Read More Button started in Part 1: Trip in Southern part of Cebu entries

About Me
QUICK info
NAME: Richard
AGE:18 yrs. old

CURRENT SCHOOL: southwestern university
COURSE: hotel and restaurant management
YEAR:first year
FAVORITE SBUJECT: p.e....hehehe
MOST HATE SUBJECT: history..duh!
FAVORITE PLACE: hmmmmm... canteen

FOOD info
WHY: so yummy. i love veges. i love meat. i love bread. thats all!

April - Rounin primiers
May? - Joo ji Hoon B-day (Prince Gian/Shin Princess Hours)
July - Coffee Prince airing date (Eun Hye- Princess Janelle/Chaegyung)
January - Lil brothers B-day
? - Jonah's father B-day
June - Judy Anne's 20th Year in Philippine Shobizness.

01) Name: R Tampg

02) DOB: February 26,1990

03) Nicknames: Jr, Bok-Bok, Yours,...

04) Bad habits: Im a good person. Almost Perfect...

05) Religion: Christian

06) Fav. Quote: I forgot.

07) Bloodtype: O

08) Height/Weight/Shoe Size: 5'4, 63 kg, I Forgot.

09) Family: Dad, Mom, Ken, Cha and Me

10) School: Tambulig Central School, Cebu Bradford School, Misamis University, Southwestern University.

11) Hobbies: Editing Pics, Vids. Surfing the Net, Shopping, Eating...

12) Specialties: Almost Everything.

13) Sleeping Habits: Using my arm as a pillow.

14) Something good about myself: Everything, I'm too perfect.

15) What I think of myself: Perfection.

16) Fav. number: 16

17) Fav. Season: Winter

18) Fav. Food: Almost everything.

19) Least Fav. Food: None.

20) Fav. Singers/Celebs: Rain, Farenheit, TVSK, Yon Eun Hye, Kim Jung Hoon...

21) Fav. Sport: Lawn Tennis

22) Fav. Flower: Tulips

23) Fav. Colors: Sky Blue, Black, White, Light Pink.

24) Thing I do to pass time: Eat, Doing Anything.

25) Places I go most often (excluding home): Malls, School...

26) Most confident thing I can cook: Noodles

27) Songs I like these days: O.S.T. of Hanayuri Dango, 1% of Anything.

28) What do you prefer: coffee, milk, soda: I don't like them all, but from that
list: coffee.

29) Most important being in my life: Myself...

30) Person I like least: Ryan [Bleh! kabalo na ka...Ay! ALA PA DIAY!]

31) Kinds of people I detest: In one word: ?

32) Something I'm worried about: So Far none.

33) What I think I was in my past life: a prince!

34) If I could be reborn: prince again.

35) When I want to get married: 2016.

36) What I do when I'm mad: Eat.

37) Places I want to fix on my face: I'm too perfect, there's nothing to fix.

38) My dream/goal: Even though Im a prince i like to be a owner of a company. A VERY BIG COMPANY!

39) Dream Salary: 100000000000000000000000000000000000 won/yen.

40) My least liked feature: I like everything. ^0^

41) Something that happens everyday: I wake-up late!

42) I like/love someone right now: JJU

43) Jinxes: None.

44) Something I could go back and do: Go back to my childhood days to change my friends!!!

45) What I most regret in my life: Choosing the wrong friends before.

46) If I left a will before I die: Elow Pipz (TN: I have no clue what that

47) Prized Posesstion: My Motorola V3x, Siemens M65, Digi Cam, Cam Corder, Ipod Video, PC, TV, CD's.

48) What I want to say to people full of themselves with Prince/Princess Syndrome: Dont dream about my status right now!

49) My ideal mate: Someone that gives me a strong feeling.

50) -

51) What do you think of ladies who try and find seats when there are none in
Subways or Buses:
I pity them thats why I let them use my BMW.....

52) Do you ever want to beat a small kid: Only if they're like You.

53) What kind of kids scare you: none.

54) If you were to dye your hair, what color would you dye it: ligth brown.

55) Most memorable Movie: Music and Lyrics, Ang kyut ng Ina Mo

56) Most memorable day during MS: First day of school.

57) If you were to be in a drama what kind of character would you want to play: A poor man.

58) When do you most not like your Bestfriend: Honestly Speaking I dont have a friend that can be considered as Best because they dont really like me so I dont like them either. Since grade 1, i haven't experienced having a best friend. My Life SUCKS!

59) What do you think of guys who wear makeup:
it's okay as long as they don't wear
a lot and besides men now a days are metrosexual.

60) Makeup vs. No makeup on women: no makeup.

61) favortie book (comics can be included): Hanayuri Dango

62) What can you make with green onions and eggs: Tortillas

63) Country I want to visit most: Japan, Korea, Taiwan...

64) If I could get any domestic animal: Dog (I want to name him Ryan)

65) Favorite song to sing at karaoke: I hate singing karaoke. C H E A P!

66) Things I stress over most: my mind.

67) Someone I want to meet the most in the world: My long lost brother- Prince William. joke!....Korean-Japanese Stars.

68) What would you do if you find 1000 dollars on the street: I'll find the owner. Im good.

69) Something different about it being 2008: Maybe we can buy ouor new house. Maybe.

70) Do you believe in ghosts: Yeah.

71) -

72) Do you think there's a time in your life when you can be happy anywhere and

73) Do you sleep over at people's house a lot: I Haven't tried Yet with my friends. Duh I dont have friends!...Who cares about me!.

74) Something I need right now: Notebook, Car [My own Car [TN: Own car is different from family car] hehe. ]

76) What game am I best at: Chinese Checkers.

77) What would you say to someone who's about to die: Speechless!!

78) When did you ever feel like cursing yourself?: When I lost my mind.

79) What do you do when you can't fall asleep: I just stay awake, what else can I do.

80) What would you do if you were walking and you farted when it was a quiet: Nothing.

82) Good/bad thing about our country: The People itself.

83) Foreign language I want to learn: Japenese, Japanese.

84) My complex: My voice sounds like Kim Jung Hoon.

85) What is there you want to do: I've done everything I want, so nothing!

86) Do you find anything wrong with your face or personailty: Nope!

87) What I do when I'm stressed: Sleep

88) Have you ever wanted to commit suicide: Yes, So Sad.

89) What kind of teacher do you hate: Stupid, Hot Tempered, Strick.

90) Who's a person who gave you the most hope etc: none.

91) What would you do if someone grabbed your things and started running: I'll make my bodyguards run after it.

92) What would you do if you see a pervert on the street: I'll pray for their safe landing.

93) What I think of losers/outcasts: I hate the word.

94) In what age do you think  the best time to get engaged: 25

95) Are you willing to live your life to the fullest: YES SIR!!!

96) Rain, Snow, Sunshine, Cloudy, Windy which do you prefer: Cloudy coz its not hot.

97) Have you ever been attracted to someone you've chatted to online: No.

98) What you want to say to your friends: I'm finally done answering 100 Q's!!

99) Future plans: Living life to the fullest.

100) You've finished! How do you feel: Tired!!!

Well this is the completes "About Me" I've ever seen..
hehe XD

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