Who Killed Them?

               It was yesterday when some people commited the same sin. A sin that cannot easily be forgiven. We killed (actually killed is not thye right word. It's slaughtered) someone. I mean something, uhm someone.Urrghh a chicken! hehehe. Well the truth is we had our laboratory in HRM yesterday and what's in our menu is about poultry. How it is prepared for cooking, how it is cooked or what receipes that can be suited for poultry.

               This is just the first step in the "Preparation of Poultry for Cooking". There are 2 ways in preparing poultry. The first is “In the Home” and the other is “Commercial”. What we had is the In the Home type of preparation.

               The second step is scalding - the poultry is scalded by dipping in hot water. The third step Defeathering - do I need to explain? lol. The last and the yuckiest step is Evisceration - slitting the abdominal cavity and puling out the entrails in one piece. Each of us need to do one step and what I did was the first and the last step. Yeh, I did 2. Aren't you curious who were the criminals? Well if you do click HERE.

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