Chowking! Luv it!

The Menu
credit: Chowking Philippines Menu

               You might wondering how and where did i took that picture. Honestly I took it not by scanning their menu card or grabbing it in their site but I took it using my cam. Yeah! my cam is so's like it has a built-in scanner.lolz, Just kidding.Okay, back to the topic. Last week we tried to have our meal at chowking because I feel eating chinese food that day. If possible I want to order all foods in their menu but it obviously won't happen so I decided to order this:

               Basing from the menu I posted what kind of wanton is this? It is actually my first time eating wanton as far as I can remember. I was kinda shocked when the first time I tasted it. The beef is like not cooked well...lolzz...I' am so ignorant... Wake up myself! You're living in the city now! You're not in the mountains anymore! lolz

its wanton soup.. i mizz it.. i uber heart it..

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