Grocery Time @ Colonade

               Yesterday we had our grocery in another place. We usually go to Gaisano South every grocery because aside from it is a bit near to our house the goods there are cheap. But my mother wants to save more so we go to Colonade because their items/products are more cheaper than Gaisano South. Well, that is what they say but i dont believe it. Lolz. When we arrived there and started pickings things we need my mother got irretated because it is not spacious and the cart is sooo big so it was not easy for us to pass by because there are also other customers bringing those big cart. What happened was our cart and other cusotmer's cart bumped each other because of the small space. I myself got pissed because it is sooo hot there! After grocery my mother said she will not come back there anymore. Lolz...

               Before we go home we bought 2 whole roasted chicken for our dinner. It is not really obvious that I LORRRRRRVE CHICKEN! hehehe...

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