
               Today is the second day of my blogging. Let’s celebrate guys! hehe... This day I did not go out in my room and just ask for bread which is called "birds nest" as my lunch. I’m like a prisoner here. I’m just surfing in the net the whole day changing some remaining portions of my blog. Actually I'm not yet done editing my blog up to now. I'm quite perfectionist about blogging. I want to have a perfect template as much as I could. For me, it’s better to not have a blog if you will just end up with an ugly template. I only go out when I eat my supper. After finishing my meal I continue changing, editing, revising the template of my blog. Perfection is a very rare thing. You cannot achieve it if you will not work hard for it. That’s why in the case of my blog I’m really working hard just to achieve perfection. The photo that enclose with this blog entry represent me with a sunset background. I believe when a certain day of yours, you may not experience or accomplished one of your job/work with perfection but after that day, after that sunset there will be “always” a new beginning that you can be assure of and in that beginning you can always try to achieve the kind of perfection that you want.

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